Author Archive | Pleinguy


Toned Ground

Before starting a painting, I usually apply a color toned ground to the painting panel. I like to use a medium value earth color, like sienna, umber, or ochre. Having a tone already on the panel helps me see the relative light/dark and warm/cool character of the color I’m using right away. The undertone can […]

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(Albuquerque NM) It’s been six months since the oil was changed on my rig Tardis. So, it was time to get it done. This is something I could do myself. However, I wanted some other things checked. So, I found a place that does work on RVs and has a good reputation. Tardis got new […]

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Elephant Butte

Andy and I arrived in Truth-or-Consequences, and stopped at the Wal-mart to resupply. It took me way longer because the store was laid out differently than I am accustomed. Afterward, I continued to follow him to the campground. (Elephant Butte NM) Elephant Butte Lake State Park has a campground just a couple of miles from […]

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